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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: Stump Care, Stump Massage promotes Desensitization, Body related to Alteration in Mobility, Surgery results in Suture Line, Friction Massage effectively Breaks up Adhesions, ???? ???? ????, Neuropathy (Phantom Pain) reduced by Pain Medication, Complications of Decreased Mobility examples Constipation, Sirven de marco regulador para la emision de los estados financieros. evidenced by Neuropathy (Phantom Pain), Knee Flexion inhibits Prosthetic Fitting, Healing of Body, Healing of Mind, Sirven de marco regulador para la emision de los estados financieros. evidenced by Bone Pain, Sirven de marco regulador para la emision de los estados financieros. evidenced by Visceral Pain, Body related to Suture Line, Contracture by Stretching, NIFS has goal Communit, Bone Pain reduced by Pain Medication, creacion de la moneda como unico intecambio, Positioning of Affected Limb reduces/ prevents Knee Flexion, Neuropathy (Phantom Pain) reduced by Stump Massage